
SB 12.9.12

ततो व्यद‍ृश्यन्त चतु:समुद्रा:
समन्तत: क्ष्मातलमाग्रसन्त: ।
महाभयावर्तगभीरघोषा: ॥ १२ ॥

tataḥ — then; vyadṛśyanta — appeared; catuḥ samudrāḥ — the four oceans; samantataḥ — on all sides; kṣmā-talam — the surface of the earth; āgrasantaḥ — swallowing up; samīra — of the wind; vega — impelled by the force; ūrmibhiḥ — with their waves; ugra — terrible; nakra — with sea monsters; mahā-bhaya — very fearful; āvarta — with whirlpools; gabhīra — grave; ghoṣāḥ — with sounds.


Then the four great oceans appeared on all sides, swallowing up the surface of the earth with their wind-tossed waves. In these oceans were terrible sea monsters, fearful whirlpools and ominous rumblings.

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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