SB 12.3.24
कलौ तु धर्मपादानां तुर्यांशोऽधर्महेतुभि: ।
एधमानै: क्षीयमाणो ह्यन्ते सोऽपि विनङ्क्ष्यति ॥ २४ ॥
एधमानै: क्षीयमाणो ह्यन्ते सोऽपि विनङ्क्ष्यति ॥ २४ ॥
kalau — in the Age of Kali; tu — and; dharma-pādānām — of the legs of religion; turya-aṁśaḥ — one fourth; adharma — of irreligion; hetubhiḥ — by the principles; edhamānaiḥ — which are increasing; kṣīyamāṇaḥ — decreasing; hi — indeed; ante — in the end; सः — that one quarter; अपि — also; vinaṅkṣyati — will be destroyed.
In the Age of Kali only one fourth of the religious principles remains. That last remnant will continuously be decreased by the ever-increasing principles of irreligion and will finally be destroyed.
बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य
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