SB 12.3.23
आढ्या: कुटुम्बिनो हृष्टा वर्णा: क्षत्रद्विजोत्तरा: ॥ २३ ॥
yaśasvinaḥ — eager for glory; mahā-śīlāḥ — noble; svādhyāya-adhyayane — in study of the Vedic literature; ratāḥ — absorbed; āḍhyāḥ — endowed with opulence; kuṭumbinaḥ — having large families; hṛṣṭāḥ — joyful; varṇāḥ — the four classes of society; kṣatra-dvija-uttarāḥ — represented mostly by the kṣatriyas and brāhmaṇas.
In the Dvāpara age people are interested in glory and are very noble. They devote themselves to the study of the Vedas, possess great opulence, support large families and enjoy life with vigor. Of the four classes, the kṣatriyas and brāhmaṇas are most numerous.
बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य
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