
SB 12.3.20

त्रेतायां धर्मपादानां तुर्यांशो हीयते शनै: ।
अधर्मपादैरनृतहिंसासन्तोषविग्रहै: ॥ २० ॥

tretāyām — in the second age; dharma-pādānām — of the legs of religion; turya — one fourth; aṁśaḥ — part; hīyate — is lost; śanaiḥ — gradually; adharma-pādaiḥ — by the legs of irreligion; anṛta — by falsity; hiṁsā — violence; asantoṣa — dissatisfaction; vigrahaiḥ — and quarrel.


In Tretā-yuga each leg of religion is gradually reduced by one quarter by the influence of the four pillars of irreligion — lying, violence, dissatisfaction and quarrel.


By falsity truth is diminished, by violence mercy is diminished, by dissatisfaction austerity is diminished, and by quarrel charity and cleanliness are diminished.

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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