SB 12.3.16
केनोपायेन भगवन् कलेर्दोषान् कलौ जना: ।
विधमिष्यन्त्युपचितांस्तन्मे ब्रूहि यथा मुने ॥ १६ ॥
śrī-rājā uvāca — King Parīkṣit said; kena — by what; upāyena — means; bhagavan — my dear lord; kaleḥ — of the Age of Kali; doṣān — the faults; kalau — living in Kali-yuga; janāḥ — people; vidhamiṣyanti — will eradicate; upacitān — accumulated; tat — that; me — to me; brūhi — please explain; yathā — fittingly; mune — O sage.
King Parīkṣit said: My lord, how can persons living in the Age of Kali rid themselves of the cumulative contamination of this age? O great sage, please explain this to me.
King Parīkṣit was a compassionate, saintly ruler. Thus, after hearing of the abominable qualities of the Age of Kali, he naturally inquired as to how those born in this age can free themselves of its inherent contamination.
बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य
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