
SB 12.12.60

द्वादश्यामेकादश्यां वा श‍ृण्वन्नायुष्यवान्भवेत् ।
पठत्यनश्न‍न् प्रयतस्पूतो भवति पातकात् ॥ ६० ॥

dvādaśyām — on the twelfth day of either fortnight of the month; ekādaśyām — on the auspicious eleventh day; vā — or; śṛṇvan — hearing; āyuṣya-vān — possessed of long life; bhavet — one becomes; paṭhati — if one recites; anaśnan — while refraining from eating; prayataḥ — with careful attention; pūtaḥ — purified; bhavati — one becomes; pātakāt — from sinful reactions.


One who hears this Bhāgavatam on the Ekādaśī or Dvādaśī day is assured of long life, and one who recites it with careful attention while fasting is purified of all sinful reactions.

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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