SB 12.11.41
अथांशु: कश्यपस्तार्क्ष्य ऋतसेनस्तथोर्वशी ।
विद्युच्छत्रुर्महाशङ्ख: सहोमासं नयन्त्यमी ॥ ४१ ॥
विद्युच्छत्रुर्महाशङ्ख: सहोमासं नयन्त्यमी ॥ ४१ ॥
atha — then; aṁśuḥ kaśyapaḥ tārkṣyaḥ — Aṁśu, Kaśyapa and Tārkṣya; ṛtasenaḥ — Ṛtasena; tathā — and; urvaśī — Urvaśī; vidyucchatruḥ mahāśaṅkhaḥ — Vidyucchatru and Mahāśaṅkha; sahaḥ-māsam — the month of Sahas (Mārgaśīrṣa); nayanti — rule; amī — these.
Aṁśu as the sun-god, Kaśyapa as the sage, Tārkṣya as the Yakṣa, Ṛtasena as the Gandharva, Urvaśī as the Apsarā, Vidyucchatru as the Rākṣasa and Mahāśaṅkha as the Nāga rule the month of Sahas.
बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य
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