
SB 12.11.37

इन्द्रो विश्वावसु: श्रोता एलापत्रस्तथाङ्गिरा: ।
प्रम्‍लोचा राक्षसो वर्यो नभोमासं नयन्त्यमी ॥ ३७ ॥

indraḥ viśvāvasuḥ śrotāḥ — Indra, Viśvāvasu and Śrotā; elāpatraḥ — Elāpatra; tathā — and; aṅgirāḥ — Aṅgirā; pramlocā — Pramlocā; rākṣasaḥ varyaḥ — the Rākṣasa named Varya; nabhaḥ-māsam — the month of Nabhas (Śrāvaṇa); nayanti — rule; amī — these.


Indra as the sun-god, Viśvāvasu as the Gandharva, Śrotā as the Yakṣa, Elāpatra as the Nāga, Aṅgirā as the sage, Pramlocā as the Apsarā and Varya as the Rākṣasa rule the month of Nabhas.

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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