
SB 12.10.2

श्रीमार्कण्डेय उवाच
प्रपन्नोऽस्म्यङ्‍‍घ्रिमूलं ते प्रपन्नाभयदं हरे ।
यन्माययापि विबुधा मुह्यन्ति ज्ञानकाशया ॥ २ ॥

śrī-mārkaṇḍeyaḥ uvāca — Śrī Mārkaṇḍeya said; prapannaḥ — surrendered; asmi — I am; aṅghri-mūlam — to the soles of the lotus feet; te — Your; prapanna — of those who surrender; abhaya-dam — the giver of fearlessness; hare — O Lord Hari; yat-māyayā — by whose illusory potency; अपि — even; vibudhāḥ — intelligent demigods; muhyanti — become bewildered; jñāna-kāśayā — which falsely appears as knowledge.


Śrī Mārkaṇḍeya said: O Lord Hari, I take shelter of the soles of Your lotus feet, which bestow fearlessness upon all who surrender to them. Even the great demigods are bewildered by Your illusory energy, which appears to them in the guise of knowledge.


Conditioned souls are attracted to material sense gratification, and thus they meticulously study the workings of nature. Although they appear to be advancing in scientific knowledge, they become increasingly entangled in their false identification with the material body and therefore increasingly merge into ignorance.

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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