SB 12.10.11-13
त्र्यक्षं दशभुजं प्रांशुमुद्यन्तमिव भास्करम् ॥ ११ ॥
व्याघ्रचर्माम्बरं शूलधनुरिष्वसिचर्मभि: ।
अक्षमालाडमरुककपालं परशुं सह ॥ १२ ॥
बिभ्राणं सहसा भातं विचक्ष्य हृदि विस्मित: ।
किमिदं कुत एवेति समाधेर्विरतो मुनि: ॥ १३ ॥
ātmani — within himself; अपि — also; śivam — Lord Śiva; prāptam — arrived; taḍit — like lightning; piṅga — yellowish; jaṭā — locks of hair; dharam — carrying; tri-akṣam — with three eyes; daśa-bhujam — and ten arms; prāṁśum — very tall; udyantam — rising; iva — as; bhāskaram — the sun; vyāghra — of a tiger; carma — the fur; ambaram — as his garment; śūla — with his trident; dhanuḥ — bow; iṣu — arrows; asi — sword; carmabhiḥ — and shield; akṣa-mālā — his prayer beads; ḍamaruka — small drum; kapālam — and skull; paraśum — ax; saha — together with; bibhrāṇam — exhibiting; sahasā — suddenly; bhātam — manifest; vicakṣya — seeing; hṛdi — in his heart; vismitaḥ — surprised; kim — what; idam — this; kutaḥ — from where; eva — indeed; iti — thus; samādheḥ — from his trance; virataḥ — desisted; muniḥ — the sage.
Śrī Mārkaṇḍeya saw Lord Śiva suddenly appear within his heart. Lord Śiva’s golden hair resembled lightning, and he had three eyes, ten arms and a tall body that shone like the rising sun. He wore a tiger skin, and he carried a trident, a bow, arrows, a sword and a shield, along with prayer beads, a ḍamaru drum, a skull and an ax. Astonished, the sage came out of his trance and thought, “Who is this, and where has he come from?”
बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य
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