SB 11.8.2
यदृच्छयैवापतितं ग्रसेदाजगरोऽक्रिय: ॥ २ ॥
grāsam — food; su-mṛṣṭam — clean and delicious; virasam — tasteless; mahāntam — a large quantity; stokam — a small quantity; eva — certainly; vā — either; yadṛcchayā — without personal endeavor; eva — indeed; āpatitam — obtained; graset — one should eat; ājagaraḥ — like the python; akriyaḥ — remaining neutral without endeavor.
Following the example of the python, one should give up material endeavors and accept for one’s maintenance food that comes of its own accord, whether such food be delicious or tasteless, ample or meager.
बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य
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