
SB 11.3.52-53

साङ्गोपाङ्गां सपार्षदां तां तां मूर्तिं स्वमन्त्रत: ।
पाद्यार्घ्याचमनीयाद्यै: स्न‍ानवासोविभूषणै: ॥ ५२ ॥
गन्धमाल्याक्षतस्रग्भिर्धूपदीपोपहारकै: ।
साङ्गंसम्पूज्य विधिवत् स्तवै: स्तुत्वा नमेद्धरिम् ॥ ५३ ॥

sa-aṅga — including the limbs of His transcendental body; upāṅgām — and His special bodily features such as His Sudarśana disc and other weapons; sa-pārṣadām — along with His personal associates; tām tām — each particular; mūrtim — Deity; sva-mantrataḥ — by the Deity’s own mantra; pādya — with water for bathing the feet; arghya — scented water for greeting; ācamanīya — water for washing the mouth; ādyaiḥ — and so on; snāna — water for bathing; vāsaḥ — fine clothing; vibhūṣaṇaiḥ — ornaments; gandha — with fragrances; mālya — necklaces; akṣata — unbroken barleycorns; sragbhiḥ — and flower garlands; dhūpa — with incense; dīpa — and lamps; upahārakaiḥ — such offerings; sa-aṅgam — in all aspects; sampūjya — completing the worship; vidhivat — in accordance with the prescribed regulations; stavaiḥ stutvā — honoring the Deity by offering prayers; namet — one should bow down; harim — to the Lord.


One should worship the Deity along with each of the limbs of His transcendental body, His weapons such as the Sudarśana cakra, His other bodily features and His personal associates. One should worship each of these transcendental aspects of the Lord by its own mantra and with offerings of water to wash the feet, scented water, water to wash the mouth, water for bathing, fine clothing and ornaments, fragrant oils, valuable necklaces, unbroken barleycorns, flower garlands, incense and lamps. Having thus completed the worship in all its aspects in accordance with the prescribed regulations, one should then honor the Deity of Lord Hari with prayers and offer obeisances to Him by bowing down.


Śrīla Śrīdhara Svāmī has mentioned that akṣata, or unbroken barleycorns (mentioned in verse 53), are to be used in decorating the Deity with tilaka, and not in the actual pūjā. Nākṣatair arcayed viṣṇuṁ na ketakyā maheśvaram: “Lord Viṣṇu should not be worshiped with unbroken barleycorns, and Lord Śiva should not be worshiped with ketakī flowers.”

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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