SB 11.23.47
मनश्च नान्यस्य वशं समेति ।
भीष्मो हि देव: सहस: सहीयान्
युञ्ज्याद वशे तं स हि देवदेव: ॥ ४७ ॥
manaḥ — of the mind; vaśe — under the control; anye — others; hi — indeed; abhavan — have become; sma — in the past; devāḥ — the senses (represented by their presiding deities); manaḥ — the mind; ca — and; na — never; anyasya — of another; vaśam — under the control; sameti — comes; bhīṣmaḥ — fearsome; hi — indeed; devaḥ — the godlike power; sahasaḥ — than the strongest; sahīyān — stronger; yuñjyāt — can fix; vaśe — under control; tam — that mind; सः — such a person; hi — indeed; deva-devaḥ — the master of all the senses.
All the senses have been under the control of the mind since time immemorial, and the mind himself never comes under the sway of any other. He is stronger than the strongest, and his godlike power is fearsome. Therefore, anyone who can bring the mind under control becomes the master of all the senses.
बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य
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