
SB 11.23.35

अन्नं च भैक्ष्यसम्पन्नं भुञ्जानस्य सरित्तटे ।
मूत्रयन्ति च पापिष्ठा: ष्ठीवन्त्यस्य च मूर्धनि ॥ ३५ ॥

annam — food; ca — and; bhaikṣya — by his begging; sampannam — acquired; bhuñjānasya — of him who was about to partake; sarit — of a river; taṭe — on the shore; mūtrayanti — they urinate upon; ca — and; pāpiṣṭhāḥ — most sinful persons; ṣṭhīvanti — they spit; asya — his; ca — and; mūrdhani — on his head.


When he was sitting on the bank of a river about to partake of the food that he had collected by his begging, such sinful rascals would come and pass urine on it, and they would dare to spit on his head.

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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