SB 11.22.18
लब्धवीर्या: सृजन्त्यण्डं संहता: प्रकृतेर्बलात् ॥ १८ ॥
vyakta-ādayaḥ — the mahat-tattva and so on; vikurvāṇāḥ — undergoing transformation; dhātavaḥ — the elements; puruṣa — of the Lord; īkṣayā — by the glance; labdha — having attained; vīryāḥ — their potencies; sṛjanti — they create; aṇḍam — the egg of the universe; saṁhatāḥ — amalgamated; prakṛteḥ — of nature; balāt — by the power.
As the material elements, headed by the mahat-tattva, are transformed, they receive their specific potencies from the glance of the Supreme Lord, and being amalgamated by the power of nature, they create the universal egg.
बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य
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