
SB 11.18.13

इष्ट्वा यथोपदेशं मां दत्त्वा सर्वस्वमृत्विजे ।
अग्नीन् स्वप्राण आवेश्य निरपेक्ष: परिव्रजेत् ॥ १३ ॥

iṣṭvā — having worshiped; yathā — according to; upadeśam — scriptural injunctions; mām — Me; dattvā — having given; sarva-svam — all one possesses; ṛtvije — to the priest; agnīn — the sacrificial fire; sva-prāṇe — within oneself; āveśya — placing; nirapekṣaḥ — without attachment; parivrajet — one should take sannyāsa and set off.


Having worshiped Me according to scriptural injunctions and having given all one’s property to the sacrificial priest, one should place the fire sacrifice within oneself. Thus, with the mind completely detached, one should enter the sannyāsa order of life.


One cannot maintain the sannyāsa order of life unless one gives up all materialistic association and engages exclusively in devotional service to the Supreme Lord. Any material desire will gradually prove to be a stumbling block in the prosecution of renounced life. Therefore, a liberated sannyāsī must vigilantly keep himself free from the weeds of material desires, which surface principally in the form of attachment to women, money and reputation. One may possess a beautiful garden filled with fruits and flowers, but without vigilant maintenance the garden will be overrun by weeds. Similarly, one who achieves a beautiful state of Kṛṣṇa consciousness takes the sannyāsa order of life, but if he does not vigilantly and painstakingly keep his heart clean, there is always the danger of a relapse into illusion.

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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