
SB 11.17.5-6

वक्ता कर्ताविता नान्यो धर्मस्याच्युत ते भुवि ।
सभायामपि वैरिञ्च्यां यत्र मूर्तिधरा: कला: ॥ ५ ॥
कर्त्रावित्रा प्रवक्त्रा च भवता मधुसूदन ।
त्यक्ते महीतले देव विनष्टं क: प्रवक्ष्यति ॥ ६ ॥

vaktā — speaker; kartā — creator; avitā — protector; na — not; anyaḥ — any other; dharmasya — of supreme religious principles; acyuta — my dear Acyuta; te — than You; bhuvi — on the earth; sabhāyām — in the assembly; अपि — even; vairiñcyām — of Lord Brahmā; yatra — wherein; mūrti-dharāḥ — in the personified form; kalāḥ — the Vedas; kartrā — by the creator; avitrā — by the protector; pravaktrā — by the speaker; ca — also; bhavatā — by Your Lordship; madhusūdana — my dear Madhusūdana; tyakte — when it is abandoned; mahī-tale — the earth; deva — my dear Lord; vinaṣṭam — those lost principles of religion; kaḥ — who; pravakṣyati — will speak.


My dear Lord Acyuta, there is no speaker, creator and protector of supreme religious principles other than Your Lordship, either on the earth or even in the assembly of Lord Brahmā, where the personified Vedas reside. Thus, my dear Lord Madhusūdana, when You, who are the very creator, protector and speaker of spiritual knowledge, abandon the earth, who will again speak this lost knowledge?

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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