
SB 11.17.46

एवंविधो नरपतिर्विमानेनार्कवर्चसा ।
विधूयेहाशुभं कृत्‍स्‍नमिन्द्रेण सह मोदते ॥ ४६ ॥

evam-vidhaḥ — thus (protecting himself and the citizens); nara-patiḥ — the king; vimānena — with an airplane; arka-varcasā — as brilliant as the sun; vidhūya — removing; iha — on the earth; aśubham — sins; kṛtsnam — all; indreṇa — Lord Indra; saha — with; modate — he enjoys.


An earthly king who protects himself and all citizens by removing all sins from his kingdom will certainly enjoy with Lord Indra in airplanes as brilliant as the sun.

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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