
SB 11.17.45

सर्वा: समुद्धरेद् राजा पितेव व्यसनात् प्रजा: ।
आत्मानमात्मना धीरो यथा गजपतिर्गजान् ॥ ४५ ॥

sarvāḥ — all; samuddharet — must uplift; rājā — the king; pitā — a father; iva — like; vyasanāt — from difficulties; prajāḥ — the citizens; ātmānam — himself; ātmana — by himself; dhīraḥ — fearless; yathā — just as; gaja-patiḥ — a bull elephant; gajān — the other elephants.


Just as the chief bull elephant protects all other elephants in his herd and defends himself as well, similarly, a fearless king, just like a father, must save all of the citizens from difficulty and also protect himself.


Lord Kṛṣṇa, having concluded His discussion of brahminical duties, now describes the character and activities of a king. Protecting all of the citizens from difficulty is an essential duty for the king.

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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