
SB 10.46.25

तालत्रयं महासारं धनुर्यष्टिमिवेभराट् ।
बभञ्जैकेन हस्तेन सप्ताहमदधाद् गिरिम् ॥ २५ ॥

tāla-trayam — as long as three palm trees; mahā-sāram — extremely solid; dhanuḥ — the bow; yaṣṭim — a stick; iva — as; ibha-rāṭ — a royal elephant; babhañja — He broke; ekena — with one; hastena — hand; sapta-aham — for seven days; adadhāt — held; girim — a mountain.


With the ease of a royal elephant breaking a stick, Kṛṣṇa broke a powerful, giant bow three tālas long. He also held a mountain aloft for seven days with just one hand.


According to Ācārya Viśvanātha, a tāla (“palm tree”) is a measurement of about sixty hastas, or ninety feet. Thus the great bow Kṛṣṇa broke was two hundred seventy feet long.

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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