
SB 10.46.16

कच्चिदङ्ग महाभाग सखा न: शूरनन्दन: ।
आस्ते कुशल्यपत्याद्यैर्युक्तो मुक्त: सुहृद्‍व्रत: ॥ १६ ॥

kaccit — whether; aṅga — my dear; mahā-bhāga — O most fortunate one; sakhā — the friend; naḥ — our; śūra-nandanaḥ — the son of King Śūra (Vasudeva); āste — lives; kuśalī — well; apatya-ādyaiḥ — with his children and so on; yuktaḥ — joined; muktaḥ — freed; suhṛt — to his friends; vrataḥ — who is devoted.


[Nanda Mahārāja said:] My dear most fortunate one, does the son of Śūra fare well, now that he is free and has rejoined his children and other relatives?

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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