SB 10.45.30-31
नान्यसिद्धामलं ज्ञानं गूहमानौ नरेहितै: ॥ ३० ॥
अथो गुरुकुले वासमिच्छन्तावुपजग्मतु: ।
काश्यं सान्दीपनिं नाम ह्यवन्तिपुरवासिनम् ॥ ३१ ॥
prabhavau — They who were the origin; sarva — of all varieties; vidyānām — of knowledge; sarva-jñau — omniscient; jagat-īśvarau — the Lords of the universe; na — not; anya — from any other source; siddha — achieved; amalam — impeccable; jñānam — knowledge; gūhamānau — hiding; nara — humanlike; īhitaiḥ — by Their activities; atha u — then; guru — of the spiritual master; kule — in the school; vāsam — residence; icchantau — desiring; upajagatuḥ — They approached; kāśyam — the native of Kāśī (Benares); sāndīpanim nāma — named Sāndīpani; hi — indeed; avanti-pura — in the city of Avantī (modern Ujjain); vāsinam — living.
Concealing Their innately perfect knowledge by Their humanlike activities, those two omniscient Lords of the universe, Themselves the origin of all branches of knowledge, next desired to reside at the school of a spiritual master. Thus They approached Sāndīpani Muni, a native of Kāsī living in the city of Avantī.
बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य
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