SB 10.19.13
ततश्च तेऽक्षीण्युन्मील्य पुनर्भाण्डीरमापिता: ।
निशम्य विस्मिता आसन्नात्मानं गाश्च मोचिता: ॥ १३ ॥
निशम्य विस्मिता आसन्नात्मानं गाश्च मोचिता: ॥ १३ ॥
tataḥ — then; ca — and; te — they; akṣīṇi — their eyes; unmīlya — opening; punaḥ — again; bhāṇḍīram — to Bhāṇḍīra; āpitāḥ — brought; niśamya — seeing; vismitāḥ — amazed; āsan — they became; ātmānam — themselves; gāḥ — the cows; ca — and; mocitāḥ — saved.
The cowherd boys opened their eyes and were amazed to find not only that they and the cows had been saved from the terrible fire but that they had all been brought back to the Bhāṇḍīra tree.
बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य
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