
SB 10.17.17

नन्दं विप्रा: समागत्य गुरव: सकलत्रका: ।
ऊचुस्ते कालियग्रस्तो दिष्ट्या मुक्तस्तवात्मज: ॥ १७ ॥

nandam — to Nanda Mahārāja; viprāḥ — the brāhmaṇas; samāgatya — coming up; guravaḥ — respectable personalities; sa-kalatrakāḥ — along with their wives; ūcuḥ — said; te — they; kāliya-grastaḥ — seized by Kāliya; diṣṭyā — by Providence; muktaḥ — freed; tava — your; ātma-jaḥ — son.


All the respectable brāhmaṇas, together with their wives, came forward to greet Nanda Mahārāja. They said to him, “Your son was in the grips of Kāliya, but by the grace of Providence He is now free.”

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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