
ŚB 3.4.14

इत्याद‍ृतोक्त: परमस्य पुंस:
प्रतिक्षणानुग्रहभाजनोऽहम् ।
स्‍नेहोत्थरोमा स्खलिताक्षरस्तं
मुञ्चञ्छुच: प्राञ्जलिराबभाषे ॥ १४ ॥
iti — thus; ādṛta — being favored; uktaḥ — addressed; paramasya — of the Supreme; puṁsaḥ — Personality of Godhead; pratikṣaṇa — every moment; anugraha-bhājanaḥ — object of favor; aham — myself; sneha — affection; uttha — eruption; romā — hairs on the body; skhalita — slackened; akṣaraḥ — of the eyes; tam — that; muñcan — smearing; śucaḥ — tears; prāñjaliḥ — with folded hands; ābabhāṣe — said.


Uddhava said: O Vidura, when I was thus favored at every moment by the Supreme Personality of Godhead and addressed by Him with great affection, my words failed in tears, and the hairs on my body erupted. After smearing my tears, I, with folded hands, spoke like this.

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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