
ŚB 2.9.40

प्रजापतिर्धर्मपतिरेकदा नियमान् यमान् ।
भद्रं प्रजानामन्विच्छन्नातिष्ठत् स्वार्थकाम्यया ॥ ४० ॥

prajā-patiḥ — the forefather of all living entities; dharma-patiḥ — the father of religious life; ekadā — once upon a time; niyamān — rules and regulations; yamān — principles of control; bhadram — welfare; prajānām — of the living beings; anvicchan — desiring; ātiṣṭhat — situated; sva-artha — own interest; kāmyayā — so desiring.


Thus once upon a time the forefather of living entities and the father of religiousness, Lord Brahmā, situated himself in acts of regulative principles, desiring self-interest for the welfare of all living entities.


One cannot be situated in an exalted position without having undertaken a regulative life of rules and regulations. An unrestricted life of sense gratification is animal life, and Lord Brahmā, in order to teach all concerned within the jurisdiction of his generations, taught the same principles of sense control for executing higher duties. He desired the welfare of all as servants of God, and anyone desiring the welfare of the members of his family and generations must conduct a moral, religious life. The highest life of moral principles is to become a devotee of the Lord because a pure devotee of the Lord has all the good qualities of the Lord. On the other hand, one who is not a devotee of the Lord, however qualified he may be in the mundane sense of the term, cannot be qualified with any good quality worthy of the name. The pure devotees of the Lord, like Brahmā and persons in the chain of disciplic succession, do not do anything to instruct their subordinates without acting accordingly themselves.

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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