
ŚB 1.7.46

तद् धर्मज्ञ महाभाग भवद्भ‍िर्गौरवं कुलम् ।
वृजिनं नार्हति प्राप्तुं पूज्यं वन्द्यमभीक्ष्णश: ॥ ४६ ॥

tat — therefore; dharma-jña — one who is aware of the principles of religion; mahā-bhāga — the most fortunate; bhavadbhiḥ — by your good self; gauravam — glorified; kulam — the family; vṛjinam — that which is painful; na — not; arhati — does deserve; prāptum — for obtaining; pūjyam — the worshipable; vandyam — respectable; abhīkṣṇaśaḥ — constantly.


O most fortunate one who know the principles of religion, it is not good for you to cause grief to glorious family members who are always respectable and worshipful.


A slight insult for a respectable family is sufficient to invoke grief. Therefore, a cultured man should always be careful in dealing with worshipful family members.

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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