
Song Name: Are Bhai Bhaja Mora Gauranga
Official Name: Gauranga Nistha
Author: Narottama Dasa Thakura
Book Name: Prarthana

are bhāi! bhaja mora gaurāńga caraṇa
nā bhajiyā moinu dukhe, ḍubi gṛha viṣa kūpe,
dagdha koilo e pāńca parāṇa
tāpa tray viṣānale, ahar-niśi hiyā jvale,
deho sadā hoy acetana
ripu vaśa indriya hoilo, gorā pada pāsarilo,
vimukha hoilo heno dhana
heno gorā doyāmoy, chāṛi sab lāja bhoy,
kāya mone lohare śaraṇa
pāmara durmati chilo, tāre gorā uddhārilo,
tārā hoilo patita pāvana
gorā dvija naṭarāje, bāndhaho hṛdaya mājhe
ki koribe saṁsāra śamana
narottama dāse kohe, gorā sama keho nohe,
nā bhajite dey prema dhana

1) O brother, please worship the lotus feet of Lord Gauranga.  I have not worshipped them, but instead have dived into the poisonous well of materialistic household-life, and as a result my five life-airs are burning with the poison of material life.

2) Day and night I burn in the poisonous fire of the threefold miseries of material life, and as a result I faint again and again.  My senses are overwhelmed by lust, greed, and numberless other enemies, and I am averse to the great treasure that is the lotus feet of Lord Gauranga.

3) O brother, give up all fear and shyness, and take shelter of merciful Lord Gauranga.  Lord Gauranga rescues those who are most wicked at heart, and therefore He is known as Patita-pavana, the saviour of the fallen.

4) If you place Lord Gauranga, the brahmana king of dancers, within your heart, then what will death be able to do to you?  Narottama dasa says: There is no one equal to Lord Gauranga.  Even if one will not become His devotee, still Lord Gauranga will freely give him the treasure of love for Krsna.

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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