SB 10.45.7
गुरुं विप्रं प्रपन्नं च कल्पोऽबिभ्रच्छ्वसन् मृत: ॥ ७ ॥
mātaram — one’s mother; pitaram — and father; vṛddham — elderly; bhāryām — one’s wife; sādhvīm — chaste; sutam — one’s child; śiśum — very young; gurum — a spiritual master; vipram — a brāhmaṇa; prapannam — a person who has come to one for shelter; ca — and; kalpaḥ — able; abibhrat — not maintaining; śvasan — breathing; mṛtaḥ — dead.
A man who, though able to do so, fails to support his elderly parents, chaste wife, young child or spiritual master, or who neglects a brāhmaṇa or anyone who comes to him for shelter, is considered dead, though breathing.
बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य
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