
SB 10.45.27

तेभ्योऽदाद्दक्षिणा गावो रुक्‍ममाला: स्वलङ्कृता: ।
स्वलङ्कृतेभ्य: सम्पूज्य सवत्सा: क्षौममालिनी: ॥ २७ ॥

tebhyaḥ — to them (the brāhmaṇas); adāt — he gave; dakṣiṇāḥ — gifts in remuneration; gāvaḥ — cows; rukma — of gold; mālāḥ — with necklaces; su — well; alaṅkṛtāḥ — ornamented; su-alaṅkṛtebhyaḥ — to the well-ornamented (brāhmaṇas); sampūjya — worshiping them; sa — having; vatsāḥ — calves; kṣauma — of linen; mālinīḥ — wearing garlands.


Vasudeva honored these brāhmaṇas by worshiping them and giving them fine ornaments and well-ornamented cows with their calves. All these cows wore gold necklaces and linen wreaths.

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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