SB 10.34.29
स वीक्ष्य तावनुप्राप्तौ कालमृत्यू इवोद्विजन् ।
विषृज्य स्त्रीजनं मूढ: प्राद्रवज्जीवितेच्छया ॥ २९ ॥
विषृज्य स्त्रीजनं मूढ: प्राद्रवज्जीवितेच्छया ॥ २९ ॥
सः — he, Śaṅkhacūḍa; vīkṣya — seeing; tau — the two; anuprāptau — approached; kāla-mṛtyū — Time and Death; iva — as; udvijan — becoming anxious; visṛjya — leaving aside; strī-janam — the women; mūḍhaḥ — confused; prādravat — ran away; jīvita — his life; icchayā — with the desire of preserving.
When Śaṅkhacūḍa saw the two of Them coming toward him like the personified forces of Time and Death, he was filled with anxiety. Confused, he abandoned the women and fled for his life.
बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य
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