
SB 10.20.33

शरदा नीरजोत्पत्त्या नीराणि प्रकृतिं ययु: ।
भ्रष्टानामिव चेतांसि पुनर्योगनिषेवया ॥ ३३ ॥

śaradā — by the effect of the autumn season; nīraja — the lotus flowers; utpattyā — which regenerates; nīrāṇi — the bodies of water; prakṛtim — to their natural state (of cleanliness); yayuḥ — returned; bhraṣṭānām — of those who are fallen; iva — just as; cetāṁsi — the minds; punaḥ — once again; yoga — of devotional service; niṣevayā — by practice.


The autumn season, which regenerated the lotus flowers, also restored the various bodies of water to their original purity, just as the process of devotional service purifies the minds of the fallen yogīs when they return to it.

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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