SB 10.19.4
मार्गमन्वगमन् सर्वे नष्टाजीव्या विचेतस: ॥ ४ ॥
tṛṇaiḥ — by the blades of grass; tat — of those cows; khura — by the hooves; dat — and the teeth; chinnaiḥ — which were broken; goḥ-padaiḥ — with the hoofprints; aṅkitaiḥ — (by places in the ground) which were marked; gavām — of the cows; mārgam — the path; anvagaman — they followed; sarve — all of them; naṣṭa-ājīvyāḥ — having lost their livelihood; vicetasaḥ — in anxiety.
Then the boys began tracing out the cows’ path by noting their hoofprints and the blades of grass the cows had broken with their hooves and teeth. All the cowherd boys were in great anxiety because they had lost their source of livelihood.
बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य
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