
SB 11.23.15

प्रायेणार्था: कदर्याणां न सुखाय कदाचन ।
इह चात्मोपतापाय मृतस्य नरकाय च ॥ १५ ॥

prāyeṇa — generally; arthāḥ — items of wealth; kadaryāṇām — of those who are misers; na — do not; sukhāya — lead to happiness; kadācana — at any time; iha — in this life; ca — both; ātma — of himself; upatāpāya — result in the torment; mṛtasya — and of him when he has died; narakāya — in the attainment of hell; ca — and.


Generally, the wealth of misers never allows them any happiness. In this life it causes their self-torment, and when they die it sends them to hell.


A miser is afraid to spend his money even for obligatory religious and social duties. Offending God and people in general, he goes to hell.

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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