
SB 11.10.23

इष्ट्वेह देवता यज्ञै: स्वर्लोकं याति याज्ञिक: ।
भुञ्जीत देववत्तत्र भोगान् दिव्यान् निजार्जितान् ॥ २३ ॥

iṣṭvā — having worshiped; iha — in this world; devatāḥ — the demigods; yajñaiḥ — with sacrifices; svaḥ-lokam — to the heavenly planets; yāti — goes; yājñikaḥ — the performer of sacrifice; bhuñjīta — he may enjoy; deva-vat — like a god; tatra — therein; bhogān — pleasures; divyān — celestial; nija — by himself; arjitān — achieved.


If on earth one performs sacrifices for the satisfaction of the demigods, he goes to the heavenly planets, where, just like a demigod, he enjoys all of the heavenly pleasures he has earned by his performances.

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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