
SB 11.8.40

सन्तुष्टा श्रद्दधत्येतद्यथालाभेन जीवती ।
विहराम्यमुनैवाहमात्मना रमणेन वै ॥ ४० ॥

santuṣṭā — completely satisfied; śraddadhatī — now having complete faith; etat — in the Lord’s mercy; yathā-lābhena — with whatever comes of its own accord; jīvatī — living; viharāmi — I will enjoy life; amunā — with that one; eva — only; aham — I; ātmanā — with the Supreme Personality of Godhead; ramaṇena — who is the real source of love and happiness; vai — there is no doubt about it.


I am now completely satisfied, and I have full faith in the Lord’s mercy. Therefore I will maintain myself with whatever comes of its own accord. I shall enjoy life with only the Lord, because He is the real source of love and happiness.

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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