
SB 11.8.29

न ह्यङ्गाजातनिर्वेदो देहबन्धं जिहासति ।
यथा विज्ञानरहितो मनुजो ममतां नृप ॥ २९ ॥

na — does not; hi — certainly; aṅga — O King; ajāta — who has not developed; nirvedaḥ — detachment; deha — of the material body; bandham — bondage; jihāsati — he desires to give up; yathā — just as; vijñāna — realized knowledge; rahitaḥ — bereft of; manujaḥ — a human being; mamatām — false sense of proprietorship; nṛpa — O King.


O King, just as a human being who is bereft of spiritual knowledge never desires to give up his false sense of proprietorship over many material things, similarly, a person who has not developed detachment never desires to give up the bondage of the material body.

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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