
SB 12.12.59

य एतत् श्रावयेन्नित्यं यामक्षणमनन्यधी: ।
श्लोकमेकं तदर्धं वा पादं पादार्धमेव वा ।
श्रद्धावान् योऽनुश‍ृणुयात् पुनात्यात्मानमेव स: ॥ ५९ ॥

यः — who; etat — this; śrāvayet — makes others hear; nityam — always; yāma-kṣaṇam — every hour and every minute; ananya-dhīḥ — with undeviated attention; ślokam — verse; ekam — one; tat-ardham — half of that; vā — or; pādam — a single line; pāda-ardham — half a line; eva — indeed; vā — or; śraddhā-vān — with faith; यः — who; anuśṛṇuyāt — hears from the proper source; punāti — purifies; ātmānam — his very self; eva — indeed; सः – वह |


One who with undeviating attention constantly recites this literature at every moment of every hour, as well as one who faithfully hears even one verse or half a verse or a single line or even half a line, certainly purifies his very self.

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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