SB 4.8.18
यद्दुर्भगाया उदरे गृहीत: ।
स्तन्येन वृद्धश्च विलज्जते यां
भार्येति वा वोढुमिडस्पतिर्माम् ॥ १८ ॥
satyam — truth; surucyā — by Queen Suruci; abhihitam — narrated; bhavān — unto you; me — of me; yat — because; durbhagāyāḥ — of the unfortunate; udare — in the womb; gṛhītaḥ — taken birth; stanyena — fed by the breast milk; vṛddhaḥ ca — grown up; vilajjate — becomes ashamed; yām — unto one; bhāryā — wife; iti — thus; vā — or; voḍhum — to accept; iḍaḥ-patiḥ — the King; mām — me.
Sunīti said: My dear boy, whatever has been spoken by Suruci is so, because the King, your father, does not consider me his wife or even his maidservant. He feels ashamed to accept me. Therefore it is a fact that you have taken birth from the womb of an unfortunate woman, and by being fed from her breast you have grown up.
बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य
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