SB 4.6.12
मयूरकेकाभिरुतं मदान्धालिविमूर्च्छितम् ।
प्लावितै रक्तकण्ठानां कूजितैश्च पतत्त्रिणाम् ॥ १२ ॥
mayūra — peacocks; kekā — with the cries; abhirutam — resounding; mada — by intoxication; andha — blinded; ali — by the bees; vimūrcchitam — resounded; plāvitaiḥ — with the singing; rakta-kaṇṭhānām — of the cuckoos; kūjitaiḥ — with the whispering; ca — and; patattriṇām — of other birds.
On Kailāsa Hill there is always the rhythmical sound of the peacocks’ sweet vibrations and the bees’ humming. Cuckoos are always singing, and other birds whisper amongst themselves.
बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य
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