
ŚB 2.6.24

तेषु यज्ञस्य पशव: सवनस्पतय: कुशा: ।
इदं च देवयजनं कालश्चोरुगुणान्वित: ॥ २४ ॥

teṣu — in such sacrifices; yajñasya — of the sacrificial performance; paśavaḥ — the animals or the sacrificial ingredients; sa-vanaspatayaḥ — along with flowers and leaves; kuśāḥ — the straw; idam — all these; ca — as also; deva-yajanam — the sacrificial altar; kālaḥ — a suitable time; ca — as also; uru — great; guṇa-anvitaḥ — qualified.


For performing sacrificial ceremonies, one requires sacrificial ingredients, such as flowers, leaves and straw, along with the sacrificial altar and a suitable time [spring].

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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