
ŚB 1.3.19

पञ्चदशं वामनकं कृत्वागादध्वरं बले: ।
पदत्रयं याचमान: प्रत्यादित्सुस्त्रिपिष्टपम् ॥ १९ ॥

pañcadaśam — the fifteenth in the line; vāmanakam — the dwarf brāhmaṇa; kṛtvā — by assumption of; agāt — went; adhvaram — arena of sacrifice; baleḥ — of King Bali; pada-trayam — three steps only; yācamānaḥ — begging; pratyāditsuḥ — willing at heart to return; tri-piṣṭapam — the kingdom of the three planetary systems.


In the fifteenth incarnation, the Lord assumed the form of a dwarf brāhmaṇa [Vāmana] and visited the arena of sacrifice arranged by Mahārāja Bali. Although at heart He was willing to regain the kingdom of the three planetary systems, He simply asked for a donation of three steps of land.


The almighty God can bestow upon anyone the kingdom of the universe from a very small beginning, and similarly He can take away the kingdom of the universe on the plea of begging a small piece of land.

बेस- पूरे विश्व में वैदिक संस्कृति सिखाने का लक्ष्य

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